We all have seen how Tyson Fury likes to give his personal opinion about anything at all, even on the most controversial subject. Being in the public eye, and a roll model to many, isn’t something that slows him down.
Tyson was giving an interview to Sports View London when he gave his opinions on Trans Gender people, Jews and Rape. Even giving his views on bestiality.
Tyson spoke for an hour, here is a transcript highlight, “It’s like you’re a freak of nature if you’re normal, you’re the odd one out, nobody else. What’s normal? I’ll just get myself changed into a woman that’s normal isn’t it today call myself Tysina or something like that, put a wig on…”
“I think it’ll be perfectly normal in the next ten years to have sexual relationships with your animals at home, you know your pets your cats and dogs and all that so that will be legal. You are already allowed to marry your animals and stuff.”
“It is going to happen though isn’t it. Whatever you can think of that’s bad, will be made legal, because that’s what the devil wants. So if you want to s**g your animals…..it will be made legal.”
“Everyone just do what you can, listen to the government follow everybody like sheep, be brainwashed by all the Zionist, Jewish people who own all the banks, all the papers all the TV stations,” he said. “Be brainwashed by them all.”
“Maybe they might start making it legal so that four or five men can grab a granny and rape her in public in front of kids and all that. Or grab an old man and rape him.”
Watch the full interview here: