39 year old Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather has made more money than any other sports star on the planet.
Boasting more than 400 million from 36 minutes work against Manny Pacquiao and millions made behind the scenes, money is no object for this man.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao
Floyd was recently spotted by TMZSports with a bunch of his cars that Floyd likes to refer to as his “toys.” One of which was a 4.8 million dollar sports car.

$4,800,000 set of wheels
Floyd mentioned how he has made some smart investments that still brings him in seven figures a month and how he is enjoying the retirement life. “You know, I’m loving the retired life, still making seven figures a month for the rest of my life, smart investments.”

Smart Investments: Money on the way to the bank.
As long as Floyd is making seven figures a month for the rest of his life as he puts it, you can rule out a comeback to boxing being for financial reasons.
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