During a boxing match for the Midway Meltdown hosted by the (World Championship Full Contact AKA White Collar Fight Club) one opponent, Dave Smith, lost all sense of the rules of boxing.

Ref Ambler pins Dave Smith to the floor.
When the referee tried to split the fighters up, he was greeted with a mouth load of abuse and a shove to the chest by Smith.
Smith had his own ‘meltdown,’ refusing to listen to the referee’s directions to back away from his opponent, Mike Hocking.

Dave Smith (L) just before he starts to spit his dummy out.
Dave Smith went straight for Mike Hocking throwing punches as Hocking tried to turn away and protect himself.
This is where the man of the moment stepped into the ring, second referee Lee Ambler. Ambler wasted no time at all, he grabbed the furious Dave Smith and spectacularly body slammed him to the canvas. Where Smith laid still and pinned to the floor with nowhere to go.
The WCFC banned Smith from future events.