I’ve just been sent this video to our Facebook page. It’s a short video with no sound of a couple walking through a subway/underpass.

‘He who cast the first stone’ Thug throws stone at girl.
As the couple walked past two young dudes, one of them decided to throw a stone at the back of the females head. As you could imagine, the couple were a little bit on the shocked side and more than upset by this.
What the mindless young guys didn’t know was, the guy who was walking with his girlfriend is a trained boxer.
After some verbal abuse was thrown back and forth, the boxer walked back to meet the stone thrower. Only to be pushed back in a very weak manor, the boxer guy didn’t take kindly to the softest of pushes, getting down low and spinning upwards with a fantastic left hook, dropping the troublemaker instantly.
At this point, his friend jumped in to challenge the boxer only to be forced to the ground and hit a couple of times.
The couple walked off into the sunset.. Well, metaphorically speaking!